What we do:
We're on a mission to end
fistula Stigmatization, one woman at at time.
Although we primarily focus on obstetric fistula often resulting from childbirth, we also support women with Fistula resulting from rape, cancer, early marriages and female genital mutilation. We provide the much-needed awareness and timely responses with a view to safeguarding the dignity and wellbeing of the survivors and also making Fistula a normal condition that women need not be suffering from.

Our Objective and Role In Fighting Stigma on Fistula Victims:
To transform a woman and girl's life by ensuring she gets high quality surgery that can cure incontinence and ensures she restores her health.

To empower the society at large through education and outreach.
Work at the local community for the benefit of all women and girls in the area of benefit who have a need for reproductive health care facilities.

Commit to create sustainable initiatives and solutions to end and address the negative attitude and stigma directed to fistula patients.
To mobilize communities to support the affected women and girls on reintegration to the society before and after corrective surgery without discrimination.